西故山 > 服饰 > 明星装扮 > 爱美必读打造你的明星衣柜:这5件衣饰一定要舍得花钱


来源:网络转载 2016-10-29 18:04 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:


Celebrity stylist Jeanne Yang has dressed Hollywood stars from George Clooney to Robert Downey Jr, to Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

It's safe to say she knows a whole lot about looking hot.

Now, she tells us the five must-haves for everybody's closet, male or female.

1. The jacket 夹克

"The first and foremost is invest in a great jacket.

"Whether you're a man or a woman, a nice jacket will be an amazing thing to have in your car or to always carry with you because you never know who you're going to meet.

"I always say spend the money and splurge."

2. The coat 大衣

"Second thing more than anything is a great coat. Rain coats are so important, or an evening coat.

"People don't realize that the first thing you see when you walk in is that coat.

Even if you're going to take it off make sure that you get something really nice as you're probably not going to buy more than one ever in your life."

3. The watch 手表

"Get a nice watch. People don't realize that people judge you based on that watch.

Invest in something nice or something with a bit of personality. You don't have to spend that much money."

4. The shoes 鞋

"If you're going to go ahead and go into any meeting, it doesn't matter what you do, people will see the bottoms of your shoes.

"Get the bottoms re-done, get them fixed.

"Get a nice pair of Oxfords or, for a woman, a great pair of beautiful pumps."

5. The suit or dress 西装或裙子