西故山 > 随笔 > 诗歌大全 > 诗歌翻译:王勃·《滕王阁序》英文译文(4)


来源:网络转载 2017-08-14 14:27 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:

(30)The Dragon’s Gate is a narrow pass in the shape of a gate in theLongmen Mountain where the Yellow River flows through. It was believed that ifa carp leaped over the gate, it would turn into a dragon.

(31)Yang Deyi recommends Sima Xiangru, a great poet, to Emperor Wuof the Han Dynasty.

(32)Zhong Ziqi, a man living the Spring and Autumn Period. It wassaid that he was a master in playing the qin, a seven-stringed plucked musicalinstrument. Bo Ya regarded him as his bosom friend because he understood themusic Bo Ya played.

(33)See “Prologue to the Collection of Poems Composed at the OrchidPavilion”.

(34)See “Entertainment Given in the Peach and Plum Garden on aSpring Evening”.

(35)In old times people wore a jade pendant to the body and it gavea tinkling sound when the person moved.

