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来源:网络转载 2017-05-31 16:05 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:

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时间:2017年05月31日 16:02:09  来源:中国外汇信息网  作者:郑冬儿  【关闭 打印


My father visited me during the 2009 summer vacation. It was the first time we had seen each other for about 18 months. We traveled around together for a couple of weeks, and when I went to see him off at the airport, he held me very tight, whispered "take care" and turned around quickly. I knew he didn't want me to see him cry.___Help is on the way - as part of an Anglo-Chinese cultural program, the entire works of Shakespeare are being translated into Chinese with financial backing from the British government, and the Royal Shakespeare Company will be putting them on in various parts of China from this year onwards.





"This is something all Chinese should be proud of - not just how many gold medals our athletes get," said a netizen named "fengshenguxing" on Weibo.com.Growth stable, meets expectations, Xi says



     责任编辑:中国外汇信息网 郑冬儿  打印本页  关闭本页




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